Monday, May 9, 2011

This year I would like to...

I know it isn't January but I have a mental list of things that I would like to try or become better at this year.

1. Cloth diapering: I started using cloth diapers at the end of Nathan's diaper days. I really liked them and intend to use them almost exclusively with this baby.

2. Composting: The only thing that has been holding me back is the price of those really cool spinning composters. :) So I need to either build my own or fit one of those in my budget.

3. Canning: Tim and I tried canning last summer with blueberries. It was more work then I was expecting. This summer and fall I would like to become better at it. I want to try canning a lot of different things.

4. Sprouting: I have dabbled with sprouting in the past but I would like to make sprouts a staple in our diet. I want to add lots of variety too.

5. Home birthing: This should probably be at the top of my list since I am planning this one in about 5 weeks. :)

6. Bread making: I would like to start using homemade bread exclusively.

7. Sewing: I would like to dust off my sewing machine and put it to use.

8. Raw Milk: I want to make the switch to raw milk.

9. Line drying our clothes: I don't think this is possible during the winter here, but I want to try it this summer.

10. Upick fruit: This summer I would like to go to several upick farms and pick as many fruits as possible so that I can freeze and can them for the winter.

Gardening would be on this list but sometime this summer our yard is getting torn out. We tried a garden last year, it didn't do very well. We will have our hanging tomatoes again this year though.

Raising chickens and goats would also be on this list if we lived out of the city. Hopefully someday soon.

There are tons of other things that I would like to try but that list should definitely keep me busy for the rest of the year.


  1. These are all things on my list too. Some of them I've dabbled in (like cloth diapering, canning, sprouting, bread-making), some I've tried but been frustrated by (sewing!), and I've never had a home birth, but when I think of possibly adding more children to our family, I envision a home birth.

  2. My list is similiar to yours, except I haven't written it out yet :b

    Let us know how it goes. Maybe I'll have an experience or two that I can share.

  3. I am excited to try these things. Let me know if you guys have any tips for me. Rebecca I had to write it out because none of it was getting done sitting in my head. Now I have a little more accountability. :)


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